

Wayfinding for patients & visitors

Help patients or just visitors find the right office or ward

Wayfinding for staff

Sometimes even staff may need help navigating the premises

Simplified room management

Reserve rooms for appointments

Important notifications

Send visitor’s reminders regarding appointments or changes

Improved communication

Create a direct line between the patient and personnel

User statistics

Learn about your visitors and the popularity of specific locations

Highly adaptable

Nearly limitless ways to integrate our solutions to the hospital’s needs

Asset tracking

Keep tabs on equipment used by staff or visitors

Start your free trial now!

Streamlining hospital services

Nothing will ever displace good ol’ human interaction in a field as personal as healthcare. But this doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to reduce unnecessary costs in an age where automation is the economical way.

Having a 3D model on your establishment’s website can help people pre-plan their movements and save time. When you get a reminder about an upcoming doctor’s appointment, why not include a map telling you exactly how to get there? Including on-site kiosks or a mobile application with wayfinding capabilities would complement that approach.

It’s also possible to integrate kiosks to perform many other functions, like printing prescriptions, paying fees or just giving helpful information like public transport schedules or weather forecasts. All of this will enable healthcare institutions streamline their services and focus on what they’re really there to do - prevent and cure diseases.

How it could work

Say you arrive at the hospital
Find your doctor
Enter your doctor’s name or office’s number
Get directions
Receive an intuitive visual path on a 3D map of the building
Finish up
Pay for the appointment or print a prescription at the kiosk

Healthcare as a service

Healthcare isn’t always always about getting treated at the emergency room for an unexpected injury. For many people going to the hospital can be a routine activity due to an illness. Having regular medical examinations also brings people to healthcare institutions. Making these people’s visits as smooth and pleasant as possible should definitely be a priority for hospitals, especially for private institutions. Having an integrated wayfinding solution would be the first step!

Start using 3D Wayfinder today

Our sales team can help you find the best wayfinding for you or for your customer