Eye-catching design and an intuitive multi-touch interface makes wayfinding on kiosks easy and fun – just enter the destination and go!
Indoor navigation has never been so fast and simple. We have made navigating floor plans very user friendly.
3D Wayfinder web application can be easily integrated to your existing website.
Graphical route directs visitors visually from the kiosk to destination. Fast search engine enables to quickly find desired destinations just by typing in the relevant keywords.
3D Wayfinder Mobile includes all the basic functions – maps, positioning, search and ads, just as in the kiosk and web versions.
Potential visitors can preview their routes and easily find out where is the location that they are looking for. Users can access the website by using QR codes and NFC technology to get up to date building directory and promotions.
Indoor navigation has never been so fast and simple. We have made navigating floor plans very user friendly.
3D Wayfinder Mobile includes all the basic functions – maps, positioning, search and ads, just as in the kiosk and web versions.
Eye-catching design and an intuitive multi-touch interface makes wayfinding on kiosks easy and fun – just enter the destination and go!
Graphical route directs visitors visually from the kiosk to destination. Fast search engine enables to quickly find desired destinations just by typing in the relevant keywords.
3D Wayfinder web application can be easily integrated to your existing website.
Potential visitors can preview their routes and easily find out where is the location that they are looking for. Users can access the website by using QR codes and NFC technology to get up to date building directory and promotions.
Our sales can help you find the best wayfinding solution for you or your customer.