Retail Sector & Shopping malls
Shopping for comfort
Wayfinding for customers
Search for locations and get visualized directions
User statistics
Gain insights into your customer’s behavior and adapt
Targeted advertisements
Send customers notifications based on age, gender etc… regarding sales
Improved customer service
Create a direct line between the customer and personnel
Highly adaptable
Nearly limitless ways to integrate our solutions to the client’s needs
Asset tracking
Keep tabs on equipment used by staff
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Indoor navigation through Bluetooth beacons
To help people navigate indoors through our mobile app, we use Bluetooth low energy (BLE) devices.
Through triangulation we can pinpoint the customers location and direct them to the desired location through a visualized pathway on the screen.
Based on the customer’s location, it’s possible to send them relevant ads, for example about sales nearby.
How it could work
Making shopping as convenient as possible
The global shopping scene is going through a drastic change, as e-commerce is steadily on the rise. This, of course, doesn’t mean that shopping centre’s will disappear any time soon, but it does mean that they need to keep up. Making the customer’s experience as pleasant as possible is of the utmost importance. This is why having integrated wayfinding solutions is essential to keep a loyal customer base.

Enriching the customers’ experience enrichens you!
Source: Forbes
Start using 3D Wayfinder today
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