Office Building Wayfinding: Maakri Quarter
Maakri Quarter in Tallinn is a stunning architectural project right in the heart of the city. The complex of buildings effortlessly combines old with new to create a unique aesthetic, in a neighborhood where steel-glass high-rises dominate. Seven distinct buildings make up the quarter. These are linked by a shared foyer and courtyard. Various offices take up the most space, but there is also a conference center, shops and eateries. The most remarkable part, of course, is the 30-storey high-rise. Taking all of this into account, this complex needs an adequate office building wayfinding solution as well.

Maakri Quarter made accessible through office building wayfinding
Finding your way in a complex of seven distinct buildings, with numerous offices, shops cafes, flights of stairs, elevators and internal staircases, can be a time-consuming adventure. Time is money and we can’t afford to waste none. 3D Wayfinder created a custom office building wayfinding solution for Maakri Quarter to fit their needs. We created a 3D model of the complex to provide the best possible overview. From the kiosks people are able to see the building directory and the fastest route to the desired location. Whatever is useful can be displayed on the kiosk screens when they are inactive. For instance, in Maakri Quarter they display the Nasdaq Tallinn index. You can choose to integrate these screens to show practical information, like weather forecasts, public transport schedules, interactive notifications or even advertisements. The statistics provided by kiosks can also be a priceless source information about the movements of people in the building.
Depending on the level of complexity and area, a kiosk solution may not be enough. Installing kiosks at every entrance and on every floor would not be economical. A more flexible office building wayfinding solution is a mobile application. Indoor positioning makes things especially easy, thanks to Wi-Fi, bluetooth beacons, GPS and QR codes. Just like the kiosks, there are endless ways to integrate the mobile app to fulfill more than a path finding purpose.