Airports are often places that many people do not visit very often and therefore they can be difficult to navigate. Finding the right gate in the right terminal is something that can cause a
Integrating different features into Wayfinding system is made easy thanks to the open platform. One solution that could help airport visitors is a Wayfinding solution that directs
Lately, we were happy to offer our solution to one of the biggest airports in Indonesia. Our local partners helped them to set up the whole system. It is also based on enterprise license server solution which offers them a possibility to host solution in their own server. Also they wanted to include boarding pass barcode scanning feature. They want to give their visitors an easy and quick way to find their desired gate.
Indoor positioning is the right solution for airports. We believe that guiding people with the help of 3D Wayfinder software will make using the airport more convenient. User comfort and satisfied guests should be the goal of every airport. We hope you had the idea to contact us for wayfinding solution for airports.

3D Wayfinder has developed many solutions to airports. To get some more information about different integration possibilities contact us today and we are happy to give you a demonstration of our software. If you are interested of our wayfinding solution for airports then contact our sales department.