We have done many improvements and there are new features in 3D Wayfinder.
It is possible now to upload image files for floor plans. In 3D mode, the floor plans are rendered as planes. When using 2D mode, floor plan images are shown the same way as renderings from 3D models. This makes easier to start using the software, as there is no need to model the floor plans. Supported image files are JPG and PNG. To use uploaded images for 2D map view, images should be 4096px x 4096px.
Another important feature is walk-through view in 3D. To enable walk-through view change the “Enable first-person view” in the settings page. This switches path drawing to first person view mode and gives a “Real 3D experience” for users and this enables new possibilities for using 3D Wayfinder – virtual tours, simulations, etc.
Next important developments will include:
1) Template management
2) New editor features to manage 3D objects and map layers
3) Skybox and screensaver for 3D