Back to School With Wayfinder

September 22, 2022

More and more schools are using wayfinder kiosks. Besides building plans and directories, touch screens are useful for providing information and promoting upcoming events. They are a good way to show lesson plans, contact data and transportation schedules.

Have you ever got lost in school? You might remember your first day in college and looking for your classroom. Besides dealing with natural first day stress and anxiety, you now have to look for the right room and worry that you will be late for class.

If you don’t remember this, then maybe you have been to an university building for a seminar or a conference, looking for the right room. You don’t have the time to wonder around and first thing you do is look for a building plan.

With wayfinding software it is much easier. You will see the upcoming seminar on the screen and with just one click, you will get directed to the right room in the right building. No more searching and wondering around.

Last year we finished setting up wayfinding solution for Haapsalu Vocational Education Center. They have a lot of students who are taking distance learning courses. As students drive to school 1 or 2 times a month. They are very happy to see wayfinding screen with a timetable.

school wayfinding software

In Haapsalu Vocational Education Center, wayfinding touch-screens are actively being used to promote different events – from Christmas Party and free courses to student exhibitions or defending final thesis. In information technology classes students can build their own map and use with 3D Wayfinder software. This allows student get practice in 3D modelling and see how it can work in real life application.

wayfinding software for schools and universities

For schools, colleges and universities we have educational discounts for wayfinding software licenses. Please contact us for more information.

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Advertising With Wayfinding Just Got Better

September 14, 2022

We have done many improvements in 3D Wayfinder Advertisement module. Many updates have been added to improve usability and functionality of managing advertisements in wayfinding software. Below you can read what options we have added to our advertising options to make advertising with wayfinding even more effective.

User experience

User experience (UX) is extremely important for us. Many of our customers use advertisements with wayfinding software very actively. Wayfinding is important part in shopping malls’ Digital Signage package, as Wayfinder kiosks are not just screens on the wall, but they are useful tools for visitors.

Advertisements in Wayfinder software can be used to promote upcoming events, share important information like opening hours etc. At the same time, it would be possible to promote also shops, services and products. Advertisements can be set-up to run in kiosk idle mode or they can take a part of screen also next to Wayfinder map and directory view. By using large touch-screens, it might even be practical to show advertisements in more than 2 areas.

Important improvements of advertising with wayfinding

Some of the important improvements include:

⦁Drag-and-drop feature for changing advertisement frames

⦁Default duration setting for video adds

⦁Improved splitting of advertisement areas

⦁Easy separation of Portrait and Landscape screens

3D Wayfinder advertising module

We also updated Advertisement module tutorial and now the tutorial can be directly opened from Advertisement module in 3D Wayfinder administration panel.

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