We are presenting the Hospital Wayfinder solution at SantExpo 2023. SantExpo is the largest healthcare IT exhibition in France and one of the largest healthcare exhibitions in Europe. Lots of interest about wayfinding software and how to make visitor’s experience better in hospitals.
Hospital Wayfinder is our wayfinding solution for healthcare and hospitals. Hospital Wayfinder has been specially designed and developed for hospitals, clinics, retirement homes etc. There are lot of interest and really good feedback about our wayfinding software. Allmost every visitor has personally got lost in hospital buildings before and sees the potential in our wayfinding solution for hospitals.

SantExpo is the leading French event of the French Hospital Federation. It brings together all decision-makers and healthcare professionals involved in the management, digital, care pathway, patient experience, equipment, materials, construction and transformation of healthcare institutions.

Besides IT solutions, there are different innovative and less innovative companies presenting healthcare related services and products. Getting contacts and earning money is definately the main focus, but behind that is the idea of solving hospital and healthcare problems. As we know, the healthcare sector is getting larger and larger with every year and there are more patients and more hospitals around the world.

In SantExpo, big players like Microsoft, Amazon, Philips, Siemens etc. are also present. As healthcare is a large market in France, every major company has a special solution also for healthcare.

As with many other exhibitions we have been visiting, SantExpo maps were also not digital. Almost hard to find a specific company and even harder to find companies by keywords and categories. Although the maps were printed on the floors, you still have to walk around looking for company signs.

Today is the last day at SantExpo, meet us near the main caffeteria next to Start-Up village section. Or just contact our sales to ask about our wayfinding solution for healthcare and hospitals.