How 3D Wayfinder Software Makes Hospitals Better

April 25, 2022

3D Wayfinder R&D AS has successfully completed as many as 200 projects a round the world. Below map gives you just small glimpse where you can find our work. Find out how hospital wayfinding software works.

3D Wayfinder R&D project map for wayfinding software projects globally.
3D Wayfinder global projects

Opportunity to work with clients globally has been beneficial to us all. Making our team stronger in 3D wayfinding software development and helping our clients to conquer their challenges. From the knowledge we have gathered we have now good insight what direction wayfinder software can grow in future.

Today, we see rising demand for solutions in healthcare sector. Larger city hospitals have grown to huge building complexes and provide rooms for hundreds of patients at a time. Some medical services are provided in one building and other services in different building. Patients who are staying short time and patients from rural areas are the first ones to discover these difficulties. Finding right cabinet from that maze can be long and challenging event.

How are we going to improve healthcare through wayfinding?

For hospitals we have taken already steps to improve our 3D wayfinder software. “3D Hospital Wayfinder and Management System” has been supported by Estonian-Norway joint-programme Norway Grants “Green ICT programme”. Project timeline is August 2020 till July 2023. Project’s focus is on developing web-based software service for healthcare operations, example hospitals. Like facility’s floor-plan visualization in 3D with universal API for collecting different real-time data and showing it in 3D floor-plans.

More details you can find HERE.

Hospital wayfinding software example

Our project in Poland is a great example how large hospitals can really be. As you can see below picture it is not an easy task to find right location there. The use of the stairs is not possible for a person in a wheelchair. To tackle this issue we have created opportunity to use multiple direction routes.

UCK hospital project in Poland with 3D Wayfinding R&D AS software.

We can’t forget that there are people who do not want to touch kiosks for health reasons or are located in different part of hospital, where there is no self-service kiosks. To tackle this issue we have created QR code based wayfinder solution. Scan QR code with your smartphone and use your device like kiosk. All the functions you get from large self-service kiosk you get in your smart device.

If you have more questions about the software we are happy to talk!

Contact us here!

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Towards Rule-Base Wayfinding

September 25, 2015

Future in wayfinding includes definitely possibility to create complex rules for path finding. Now there are also node restrictions in 3D Wayfinder to specify working days etc.

One of the last addition to 3D Wayfinder was node weights for calculating optimal paths. This made possible to guide visitors in some recommended way. Now there is also possible to restrict some nodes based on time and day.node_restrictions_wayfinding_paths_by_date_and_time

In many public buildings, there are rules for locking doors, elevators or gates. There can be different areas open during working hours than weekends or night times. This is common for shopping malls, train stations, university campuses etc. Even large office buildings are keeping some doors open during the weekends as there might be service providers like dentists, children playrooms etc. When providing wayfinding to your visitors, it is important to follow the same rules.

With 3D Wayfinder, it is possible now to create path restrictions according to work-day and time. To create this kind of restrictions, just open node attributes under editor.
Under Node attributes in 3D Wayfinder Editor, there can be entered JSON. In future we will provide also special UI for that.

Here is the example that will allow to pass the navigation node from 10AM to wayfinding_paths_restriction_node_attributes9PM:

“allowedTimes”: [

Adding other blocks, you can also specify by days.

We are currently developing also other rule types, like security or accessibility. These rules help to create adaptable and user-friendly way-finding applications which are useful and finally elementary for large buildings.

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