Back to School With Wayfinder

September 22, 2022

More and more schools are using wayfinder kiosks. Besides building plans and directories, touch screens are useful for providing information and promoting upcoming events. They are a good way to show lesson plans, contact data and transportation schedules.

Have you ever got lost in school? You might remember your first day in college and looking for your classroom. Besides dealing with natural first day stress and anxiety, you now have to look for the right room and worry that you will be late for class.

If you don’t remember this, then maybe you have been to an university building for a seminar or a conference, looking for the right room. You don’t have the time to wonder around and first thing you do is look for a building plan.

With wayfinding software it is much easier. You will see the upcoming seminar on the screen and with just one click, you will get directed to the right room in the right building. No more searching and wondering around.

Last year we finished setting up wayfinding solution for Haapsalu Vocational Education Center. They have a lot of students who are taking distance learning courses. As students drive to school 1 or 2 times a month. They are very happy to see wayfinding screen with a timetable.

school wayfinding software

In Haapsalu Vocational Education Center, wayfinding touch-screens are actively being used to promote different events – from Christmas Party and free courses to student exhibitions or defending final thesis. In information technology classes students can build their own map and use with 3D Wayfinder software. This allows student get practice in 3D modelling and see how it can work in real life application.

wayfinding software for schools and universities

For schools, colleges and universities we have educational discounts for wayfinding software licenses. Please contact us for more information.

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Utilizing 3D Wayfinder Solutions for Conference and Exhibition Venues

January 16, 2020

Industry conferences and exhibitions have become an integral part of international business and networking. These sorts of events can include tens and even hundreds of thousands of attendees. Managing the orderly movement of these masses is essential to a successful event. 3D Wayfinder offers a number of solutions to help manage navigating and organizing the event. Read closer about wayfinder solutions for conference and exhibition venues.

The largest conference and exhibition venues stretch over massive areas and include exhibition and banquet halls, seminar and meeting rooms, dining areas and so on. In addition, inside the exhibition area there are various booths. A good way to help people navigate this maze would be either our 3D or 2D map. The main functions of these maps are to search for specific locations and to guide the attendees there. Besides that, these interactive maps can be customized to show timetables of events, descriptions of booths, relevant notifications and promotions. 

Wayfinder software in crowded conference halls and venues.
A conference crowd in need of 3D Wayfinder solutions

Endless ways to integrate different functionalities

It is possible to access these maps either through on-site kiosks, mobile apps or through a website. A mobile app would be a good choice as it can provide indoor positioning. This is excellent, as exhibitions are usually on such huge premises and quite crowded. Also, it is possible to integrate the mobile app or kiosk with various functions to assist with the overall organizing of the event. For instance, printing accreditation cards and coupons at the kiosk or giving people updates on weather and transport through the mobile app. The usage statistics can provide the organizers with helpful figures to make adjustments for the future. 

Events like these enable people from all over the world to share ideas and create a synergy that otherwise would rarely occur. For this reason it is essential to make these solutions accessible in multiple languages, which we provide. 

Each venue and event is different and require an unique approach. There are several ways to integrate the functionalities mentioned here, and others, to create the right solution just for you. Get in touch with us to find out what is the best wayfinder solutions for your conference and exhibition venues.

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