Installing iBeacons is Easy

November 14, 2017

We have finished installation of approximately 250 iBeacons for mobile app positioning. Although the installation process is easy. There are some tricks and common practises to follow, when setting up iBeacon based indoor positioning.

iBeacons installation

iBeacons are cost effective indoor positioning devices, that are really easy to install. As each iBeacon has it’s own battery, that can last about a year, then there is no need for external power supply. Devices are very light, so it is possible to mount them by using double-sided tape.

Even though the installation of one iBeacon is a simple matter. Overall installation process can be quite long and somewhat physically exhausting due to the constant climbing up and down the ladder/platform.

At first glance it might seem that the device will disrupt the look of the building. But, as we can see from the image below, if you take into consideration the overall theme and look of the building during choosing of the device, it merges into the plethora of different sensors and equipment covering the ceiling.

Installing iBeacons

Before installing devices. It is important to mark down the specifications for each iBeacon device. Each iBeacon has it’s parameters: unique ID, name and range.

It is also a good practice to mark the iBeacons. So that you know you’re installing the correct device to the correct location. For this we used a label printer.


Plan before iBeacons installing

It is good to have a plan before physical installation. We used the map of the building to first draw a layout of the placement of the devices and their coverage area. It is a common practice to have a minimum of 3 iBeacons covering any part of the mappable area for the navigation to work efficiently.

iBeacon coverage map

Configuring iBeacons in 3D Wayfinder is also easy. Just create a node with type “iBeacon” and enter iBeacon parameters (UUID, Name etc.). To manage all the devices from one place, open “Beacons” from the left-side menu. You can do this prior to the actual installation when you are confident that your layout will work.

iBeacon management

It is highly recommended to install the iBeacons to a height unreachable for the visitors of the building, so no one could easily snatch them. We installed the devices onto the ceiling. For this we used a painters platform that had wheels on them so it is easy to move it around the building. We recommend setting the platform to a height so the person installing the devices could stand up straight and then reach the ceiling without having to stretch too much.

Good time to install iBeacons in a shopping mall is when there are not that many people.

Here you can find more information about using iBeacons with 3D Wayfinder. If you’d like to test iBeacon-based positioning, please submit the request form for demo iBeacons.

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Indoor Positioning Demo with Custom Floors and iBeacons

July 18, 2017

Now it is possible to order indoor positioning demo application. For demo we will send you required amount of iBeacons devices and create custom 2D or 3D floor plan. With 3D Wayfinder mobile application it is possible to see indoor positioning with wayfinding functionality.

iBeacons are Bluetooth low energy (BLE) devices that can broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Also iBeacons don’t cost much and their batteries can last over year which makes them perfect for indoor positioning.


We can provide you with a custom demo map with pre-installed iBeacon locations. We will also send beacons for the demo floor plan, usually 3-6 is enough for a 1-2 room demo.  

By installing 3D Wayfinder mobile app, you can test and see iBeacon-based positioning on your real building. To order demo map with beacons, please fill the request form.

Read more about 3D Wayfinder mobile app, iBeacons and indoor positioning.

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3D Wayfinder Redesigned Website Launched

February 17, 2014

We are proud to announce the release of our newly redesigned website which goes live today 17.02.2014. It is located at the same address New website is more modern and user-friendly. Improved and re-designed landing page welcomes visitors with clean exquisite design. With featured content focused on providing our clients and partners the most accurate product information. You will immediately notice simple navigation options. Also easy access to information that is important. The website will be updated on regular basis with news, events, product updates and other new contents.

We hope You will like and enjoy the new website. Also we would very flattered if You will stop by at the new site.

If You have any suggestions on how we could make the website even better, don’t hesitate to share it with us by clicking here.


3D Wayfinder MobileNew website includes many improvements and new features. Some of the most important ones are listed below:

  • Improved navigation.
  • Precise overview of kiosk, mobile and web application.
  • Overview of different maps (3D, semi 3D and 2D).
  • Technical information.
  • Categorized resellers and their contact details.
  • New design is fully responsive. Which means You can now enjoy all of the content on mobile phones and tablets.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

December 19, 2013


The whole team of 3D Technologies R&D wishes You a merry christmas and a happy new year.

We will put additional effort into developing the software. All for better service and satisfaction for a user.

Just last year we could read that WebGL and HTML5 are not very well supported on mobile devices and have a long way to go. First tests showed that with a low polygon cont it was still lagging and mobile devices crashed often. Now things have changed and there has been a great leap forward – WebGL has started to mature and stabilize.

The mobile Internet speed is increasing every year and application downloading time is shortening. Telecommunications company EE announced recently that it has switched on the world’s fastest 4G network in East London which is capable of reaching speeds of up to 300Mbps. The fast mobile internet connection allows to download and use applications or online services faster and more conveniently.

Devices are becoming more and more powerful – each year more improved and advanced mobile processors roll out. For example MediaTek recently announced the MT6592, a mobile processor that includes eight cores with each capable of running at speeds up to 2GHz. It is the world’s first heterogeneous computing System on a Chip with scalable eight-core processing for superior multi-tasking. Fully functional WebGL on mobile devices is already here and we think that in few years or even less it will reach wider audiences. A prerequisite for this is of course technology’s lower prices and the increase of mobile internet speed.Here is the screenshot of the very first test of 3D Wayfinder WebGL on mobile device (Nexus 5):

If you want to be sure that your mobile device browser support WebGL then just click here. You can also check this summary table where is detailed data almost every desktop and mobile browser WebGL support.

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Why Consider Mobile Indoor Wayfinding?

November 19, 2013

According to Google, self-service is becoming the new norm – 1 in 3 shoppers use their smartphones to find information instead of asking the store employees. 74% of adult smartphone owners aged 18 and older say that they use their phones to get directions or other information based on their current location. (Source: Pew Internet)

Way finding outdoors is easy, because there are so many different navigation softwares guided by the GPS. But people also need an indoor wayfinding solution because buildings nowadays have become very complicated. There is a great need for a simple indoor wayfinding solution for mobile devices. Therefore we offer 3D Wayfinder mobile app for Android and iOS. Soon it will be available on Windows Phone as well. It helps people to navigate indoors and get the latest deals. It is a tool for retailers to advertise their brand or product on the map. The solution has many benefits:


  • Instant updates – building owners can provide the latest maps and directions for the audience using Content Management System;

  • Additional services – integration with social media channels or other solutions;

  • Happy customers – personal wayfinding system and instant directions for everyone;

  • Powerful e-commerce tool – tenants can promote their shops and products.

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