ISE 2023 Technology Expo Experience

February 14, 2023

ISE 2023 Expo is probably most important technology expo in Europe. This year it was biggest yet. ISE 2023 attracted 58,107 unique attendees from 155 countries, making 133,606 visits to the show floor. Especially busy was Multi-Technology hall. There we had most fun meeting companies too. Special thanks goes to for citizens of Barcelona. Even with limited English they left to us superb expression. We were pleased that the event was in city where people are kind and helpful for the first time visitors.

ISE 2023 Expo is probably most important technology expo in Europe. It placed in Barcelona.

ISE 2023 Expo organization

ISE 2023 Expo experience is that was really well organized Expo. There were large halls and easy to access booths. The catering was also very well organized and managed. We saw some very unique solutions. Especially interesting was 4K LED screens with IR touch. Making it suitable to use in interactive digital signage and 2D or 3D wayfinding solutions.

We saw some very unique solutions. Especially interesting was 4K LED screens with IR touch. Making it suitable to use in interactive digital signage and 2D or 3D wayfinding solutions.

In two days we when we visited expo, we got a lot of positive feedback for our software. Companies were most interested in our 3D maps that we have built for indoor navigation. Some of the companies we visited needs to be highlight also in our blog.

Nice meetings at the event

With representatives of Cisco we quickly found a common topic of conversation. We talked about smart rooms and today’s business environment. We understood in that moment how right our direction has been for years. Also especially happy to see that we have yet to offer more opportunities then international corporations like Cisco can do. This motivates us to keep working hard.

With representatives of Cisco we quickly found a common topic of conversation. We understood in that moment how right our direction has been for years.

Highly interested meeting we had was with BrightSign. Their digital signage players were interesting that can be potentially used for our software. We talked about to give better hardware tools for our clients. Especially interested us plug and play solution. Also it may be solution for our clients, who have little experience with digital signage and players for interactive screens. If everything goes well then we will have also hardware for our clients that is reliable with good price range.

We also visited booths of Clebex and Telelogos. Both are big IT companies and with very interesting field. They are definitely worth to explore. We started of right a way with productive talks and of course our topic was about potential of 3D Wayfinding. 3D Wayfinder software gives additional tools build powerful business solutions for end-clients!

Interactive displays manufactures at ISE

We got new and interesting knowledge in Chinese display manufacturer HCTek. Interactive displays is what future holds. HCTec is large interactive display manufacturer providing OEM, ODM and OTM solutions. Many well known display brands get their interactive displays from that factory. For us it was important to know what future brings. Talking was very productive and we had good laughs and took picture!

We got new and interesting knowledge in Chinese display manufacturer HCTek. HCTec is large interactive display manufacturer providing OEM, ODM and OTM solutions.  Picture with 3D Wayfinder director Rainer Saar.
Chinese display manufacturer HCTek. Interactive displays is what future holds.

Then we met LED manufacturer AOTO. In our talks we covered many aspects of today digital signage market directions. Also we both agreed that future will be LED. Especially in indoor and outdoor digital signage field. We were also invited to their 30th anniversary celebrations to Happy Hour.

LED manufacturer AOTO. Future will be LED, especially in indoor and outdoor digital signage field.

Our sales director Rainer Saar shared his experiences.

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Exclusive Buildings Need Premium Wayfinder Solutions

October 31, 2022

In the previous post, we introduced different styles of modeling and designing 3D Wayfinder maps. It is clear that exclusive buildings need a premium wayfinder solutions. In today’s post, we will talk about exclusive premium wayfinding solutions and special kiosk designs. Wayfinder kiosks do not always have to have a modest appearance and design.

Wayfinder kiosk

Crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, marble floors and glass walls. Many shopping centers have this kind of interior design. Also, many commercial buildings or hotels have a more special and luxurious interior design. If the interior design of the building is characteristic of a high class, it is important that every detail fits together. Therefore, the kiosks must also have a luxurious and beautiful design.

Kiosk designs may vary. For example, it is possible to decorate the kiosk with crystals or golden details. There can also be different materials from which the kiosk is made.

In the pictures you see a close-up of the kiosk app. You see golden design and a complex map.

Kiosk wayfinding app in The Avenues mall in Kuwait

Kiosks in Lõunakeskus are made of wood. Kiosk is designed following shopping center interior and brand design. Finally, a beautiful wooden solution is ready, which fits with the interior and is user-friendly.
Estonian National Museum kiosk is made of glass. Kiosk has a metal frame, that supports the 8 mm tempered glass and holds the touch screen and computer hardware. Also it has a special “window” for looking at kiosk´s “heart”.

Estonian National Museum kiosk special “window”

Premium Wayfinder solutions

Small details make a 3D map especially luxurious. If you have a commercial building and want to impress your customers, we recommend ordering a particularly detailed map. The premium 3D map designs are suitable for buildings with a luxurious interior design. Detailed 3D maps are also suitable for expensive hotels or institutions visited by wealthier people. Detailed map of the building makes an impression in any case.

In the picture you see 3D relistic and detailed model of the Viru center. The flags, ornamental bushes and sculpture in front of the center have been drawn. For example, it is not possible to display such a sculpture realistically with a 2D map. Also, the exterior facade is as real as possible, and on closer inspection you can see transparent windows. This is premium detail. All exclusive buildings could have similar models.

Premium 3D model of Viru Center

It is also possible to create a First person view wayfinder solution. The post shows one of the shopping malls in Oman. A 3D map drawn in detail looks good and it is especially useful for showing path in camera view (First Person View known from computer games). Such models affect positively the customer experience. Especially if it is possible to find favorite stores and special offers in the shopping center with the help of 3D wayfinder. It imitates persons point of view. The first person view house manager solution is definitely one of the premium feature that a luxury building needs.

3D Wayfinder first person view
Camera view (first person view) of Muscat Grand Mall in Oman

You can order a detailed and beautiful 3D map from us. In this case, our team of specialists will prepare you a gorgeous and detailed 3D map solution that will impress all your customers. Also, tell us all your wishes regarding the design of the kiosk and we will find the best solution together.

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Back to School With Wayfinder

September 22, 2022

More and more schools are using wayfinder kiosks. Besides building plans and directories, touch screens are useful for providing information and promoting upcoming events. They are a good way to show lesson plans, contact data and transportation schedules.

Have you ever got lost in school? You might remember your first day in college and looking for your classroom. Besides dealing with natural first day stress and anxiety, you now have to look for the right room and worry that you will be late for class.

If you don’t remember this, then maybe you have been to an university building for a seminar or a conference, looking for the right room. You don’t have the time to wonder around and first thing you do is look for a building plan.

With wayfinding software it is much easier. You will see the upcoming seminar on the screen and with just one click, you will get directed to the right room in the right building. No more searching and wondering around.

Last year we finished setting up wayfinding solution for Haapsalu Vocational Education Center. They have a lot of students who are taking distance learning courses. As students drive to school 1 or 2 times a month. They are very happy to see wayfinding screen with a timetable.

school wayfinding software

In Haapsalu Vocational Education Center, wayfinding touch-screens are actively being used to promote different events – from Christmas Party and free courses to student exhibitions or defending final thesis. In information technology classes students can build their own map and use with 3D Wayfinder software. This allows student get practice in 3D modelling and see how it can work in real life application.

wayfinding software for schools and universities

For schools, colleges and universities we have educational discounts for wayfinding software licenses. Please contact us for more information.

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3D Wayfinder Helping Global Village Dubai Visitors to Find Their Way!

November 25, 2019

3D Wayfinder is proud to announce our new venture in helping Global Village Dubai to map their extensive theme park. Global Village is a massive theme park, where the diversity of human culture is showcased through cuisine, entertainment, music and architecture. The destination covers over 1,600,000 m2 and contains more than 200 outlets. During the 2018 season, the venue saw more than 7 million visitors! The question then becomes, how do you help guide people through this amazing maze?

3D Wayfinder helping Global Village Dubai visitors

Luckily we have the answer. In order to make navigating as simple as possible, for the very international crowd, our solution is based on Whatsapp, the most popular messenger app globally. The guest simply needs to type in where they want to go next and they will receive in return an URL, which will direct them to our Wayfinding resource. The device’s location will be located through GPS and the quickest route to the desired destination is generated. In addition, information about the attraction will be shown, e.g opening times, upcoming events or the menu. Convenient, right?

This is simply a 2D application of our capacities. We are providing our Wayfinding solution indoors as well, where relying on GPS isn’t an option. The basic concept is still based on triangulation, but instead of using satellites we utilize Bluetooth beacons. iBeacons and Eddystones are Bluetooth low energy devices that can broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices such as mobile phones or tablets. The other option is for people to insert their current location, e.g Starbucks, and their destination. This would make finding your way through an unfamiliar airport much less of a hassle. For instance, our Wayfinding solution for Changi airport in Singapore has without a doubt saved quite a few travellers from missing their flight. This is how 3D Wayfinder team helping Global Village Dubai visitors.

Contact us now to get the wayfinding solution that will meet your needs!

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New Top View Feature in Our Editor

January 2, 2018

Sometimes it’s the small things that make all the difference. New “Toggle top view” feature in 3D Wayfinders administration panels editor is a useful tool that will give needed help to our users.

Toggle top view shows all the maps straight from the top and it works with both 2D and 3D maps. While this feature is selected, the rotation is disabled. This is most useful when marking paths on the map. It could also be used if you want to set kiosk view straight from the top on 3D maps.

New feature in editor

“Toggle top view” can be found on the top of the editor under “Settings“.

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New Administration Panel is Up and Working

September 7, 2017

It has taken some time and lots of effort but we have finally made it. New 3D Wayfinder administration panel is finally online and usable for all clients.

new admin

We have made many smaller and bigger improvements to make 3D Wayfinder administration panel  easier to use. Especially for new clients. For example the editor has been changed to make it more logical. All the materials have previews for better overview and managing of 2D maps is more convenient.

It should also be more comfortable for those who prefer to use our app on smartphones or tablets.

There are still some kinks to straighten out so if you notice something that isn’t working the way it is supposed to, let us know.

“Sign in” leads straight to new administration panel but if you prefer to use the old one, go to or use the link at the bottom of the sign in page. 

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Keeping Floor Plan Editor Idle in the Background

August 1, 2017

The new 3D Wayfinder Administration Panel is centered more around the floor plan editor. To provide better usability we keep the 3D editor idle when moving away to other pages. So switching between editor and other views is much faster now.

The new Administration Panel has been publicly available for testing since the beginning of this year. At the end of the summer we will only support the new administration panel. Although the current administration environment will be available for some time.

Loading the 3D floor plan editor takes a couple of seconds because we need to load 3D floor-plans models and also additional editor tools. Now when the editor is always in the background. We do not need to load the 3D editor again. This makes the usage more faster and user friendly.

new 3D floorplan editor

Our new administrator panel is being built on Angularjs. To achieve loading of editor once we have created the service that holds the canvas element. It is also attached our editor API to it. Controller then adds canvas to the editor view and provides connection to API actions.

To see and test new Administration panel and floor plan editor, please log in here. If you don’t have an account with 3D Wayfinder, you can create it here for free.

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Indoor Positioning Demo with Custom Floors and iBeacons

July 18, 2017

Now it is possible to order indoor positioning demo application. For demo we will send you required amount of iBeacons devices and create custom 2D or 3D floor plan. With 3D Wayfinder mobile application it is possible to see indoor positioning with wayfinding functionality.

iBeacons are Bluetooth low energy (BLE) devices that can broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Also iBeacons don’t cost much and their batteries can last over year which makes them perfect for indoor positioning.


We can provide you with a custom demo map with pre-installed iBeacon locations. We will also send beacons for the demo floor plan, usually 3-6 is enough for a 1-2 room demo.  

By installing 3D Wayfinder mobile app, you can test and see iBeacon-based positioning on your real building. To order demo map with beacons, please fill the request form.

Read more about 3D Wayfinder mobile app, iBeacons and indoor positioning.

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Compass Widget for 3D Floor Plans

February 15, 2017

We have added compass widget for Developers Template. Compass arrow can be shown on top of the map canvas to point to the north (or any other direction) of the 3D floor plan.

Compass is one of the tools and widgets that is needed for one of our larger building information (BIM) project. There are also other tools under development that provide building information and help work with different data related with building 3D model.3D_Wayfinder_using_compass_widget

Compass widget is using 0-point of the Y-axis. It is called with Camera view-port service orbitController.  It has property currentRotation, which holds the model’s rotation data.  Needle of compass is animated using that data.
Compass example is integrated into Development template. Template can be accessed via the administration panel at when selecting the view with template “DevTemplate”.

When using compass, it is important to notice, that the 3D floorplan has to be modelled north pointing to Z axis. Otherwise you need to make adjustments in widget’s javascript code, which calculates the compass’ position.

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