Enhancing Wayfinding with QR Codes and NFC Tags

November 20, 2023

In the fast-paced digital era, technology continues to revolutionize the way we interact with our surroundings. One area where innovation has made significant strides is in wayfinding solutions. Gone are the days of paper maps and confusing signage. Today, we explore the synergy between wayfinding with QR codes and NFC tags. How this powerful combination is transforming navigation experiences across various industries?

Wayfinder software has emerged as a game-changer in navigation and location-based services. Leveraging GPS technology, indoor mapping, and intuitive interfaces, these applications simplify the way we navigate complex environments such as airports, malls, hospitals, and campuses. However, to truly elevate the user experience, developers have integrated additional technologies like QR codes and NFC tags.

Many of our customers have used QR codes allready for some time. Because QR-codes provide easy access to building maps without the need for information kiosks. Most people nowadays have smartphones. So with QR-code the map can be open almost with one click. Although with NFC, it is even simpler. Therefore just place your mobile phone near the NFC tag and map will be opened automatically in your cellphone browser.

Now there is option to download QR-codes for each location in 3D Wayfinder administration panel. 

Enhancinh wayfinding with qr codes and nfc tags.

Screens module has to be enable and with each screen there is option to see the QR-code. To download QR-code, you just have to click on it. QR-code will be download in SVG format. It can be used for printing or additional designing.

QR-code takes the template that is mark as default and screen’s location. Screens can be added in 3D Wayfinder editor, by selecting any node and marking it as screen (kiosk). 

QR Codes: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds

Quick Response (QR) codes have become ubiquitous in modern society. These two-dimensional barcodes store information that can be quickly scanned by a smartphone camera. Integrating QR codes into wayfinder software enhances the user experience by seamlessly connecting the physical environment with digital information. For instance, in a museum, visitors can scan QR codes next to exhibits to access additional information, audio guides, or interactive content, enriching their overall experience.

We have helped our customers to use QR-code based navigation in parking lots. So that visitors can easily get their car’s location and later on find the way back to their car. Also we have used QR-codes for exploring the corn-maze. Also in smaller shopping malls it is convenient to use printed QR-codes or QR-codes on digital displays without the need for touch-screen kiosks.

NFC Tags: A Touch of Seamless Connectivity

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology enables short-range wireless communication between devices. When integrated with wayfinder software, NFC tags provide a touch-based solution for users to access information effortlessly. Imagine a smart city scenario where commuters can tap their smartphones on NFC tags at bus stops to instantly access real-time bus schedules, route maps, and service updates. See also our solution for showing transportation schedules.

The Power of Integration

The true power of using wayfinding with QR codes and NFC tags lies in their seamless integration. By combining these technologies. Developers create a multifaceted solution that caters to diverse user preferences and accessibility needs. Whether someone prefers scanning QR codes or tapping NFC tags, the experience remains intuitive and user-friendly. With 3D Wayfinder, every code or NFC tag can be configured as different “You are here” location. 

Applications Across Industries

Retail Environments: In large shopping malls, customers can scan QR codes on directories to quickly locate stores. While NFC tags on products provide detailed information and promotions. QR-codes can be use on digital signage screens or printed on walls with NFC-tags.

Healthcare Facilities

Patients and visitors can navigate hospitals efficiently by scanning QR codes on floor maps or tapping NFC tags to access appointment details and medical information. QR-codes and NFC-tags are important part in our Hopsital Wayfinder solution. That is wayfinding application specially designed for hospitals  

Educational Campuses

Universities can deploy QR codes and NFC tags on campus maps. It make easier for students and visitors to find classrooms, offices, and event locations. Students are usually more opened to innovative solutions and they definitely have smartphones with them. 

Transportation Hubs

Airports and train stations can optimize passenger experience by incorporating QR codes on tickets and NFC tags. For example to see real-time updates on departure gates and delays. We have made integrations for scanning boarding passes on airports. So that visitors can be automatically directed to the right gates. 

Smart Cities

Municipalities can enhance public services by implementing QR codes and NFC tags on signage. Because It is important to providing citizens with instant access to information about local events, services, and emergency alerts.

In conclusion as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of modern technology. Above all the integration of wayfinder software, QR codes and NFC tags marks a significant milestone in improving user experiences across various industries. This dynamic trio not only simplifies navigation but also opens the door to innovative applications that blend the physical and digital worlds seamlessly. The future of wayfinding is here, and it’s more connected and user-centric than ever before. All our long-time and new customers are welcome to implement our new system. Contact us and we will find the best option for you.

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How 3D Wayfinder Software Makes Hospitals Better

April 25, 2022

3D Wayfinder R&D AS has successfully completed as many as 200 projects a round the world. Below map gives you just small glimpse where you can find our work. Find out how hospital wayfinding software works.

3D Wayfinder R&D project map for wayfinding software projects globally.
3D Wayfinder global projects

Opportunity to work with clients globally has been beneficial to us all. Making our team stronger in 3D wayfinding software development and helping our clients to conquer their challenges. From the knowledge we have gathered we have now good insight what direction wayfinder software can grow in future.

Today, we see rising demand for solutions in healthcare sector. Larger city hospitals have grown to huge building complexes and provide rooms for hundreds of patients at a time. Some medical services are provided in one building and other services in different building. Patients who are staying short time and patients from rural areas are the first ones to discover these difficulties. Finding right cabinet from that maze can be long and challenging event.

How are we going to improve healthcare through wayfinding?

For hospitals we have taken already steps to improve our 3D wayfinder software. “3D Hospital Wayfinder and Management System” has been supported by Estonian-Norway joint-programme Norway Grants “Green ICT programme”. Project timeline is August 2020 till July 2023. Project’s focus is on developing web-based software service for healthcare operations, example hospitals. Like facility’s floor-plan visualization in 3D with universal API for collecting different real-time data and showing it in 3D floor-plans.

More details you can find HERE.

Hospital wayfinding software example

Our project in Poland is a great example how large hospitals can really be. As you can see below picture it is not an easy task to find right location there. The use of the stairs is not possible for a person in a wheelchair. To tackle this issue we have created opportunity to use multiple direction routes.

UCK hospital project in Poland with 3D Wayfinding R&D AS software.

We can’t forget that there are people who do not want to touch kiosks for health reasons or are located in different part of hospital, where there is no self-service kiosks. To tackle this issue we have created QR code based wayfinder solution. Scan QR code with your smartphone and use your device like kiosk. All the functions you get from large self-service kiosk you get in your smart device.

If you have more questions about the software we are happy to talk!

Contact us here!

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Mobile Wayfinder Maps for Maze

November 3, 2020

We have made a mobile-friendly web application for large corn maze. Application helps to navigate in the maze, but at same time it will not disappear the fun of finding the right path in maze. Continue reading to see, how that’s possible.

Our customer Port Farms is operating large corn maze in Pennsylvania, not far from Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The maze labyrinth will be updated every year and it is more than 500 feet in length and 300 feet wide.

We have created a web-based mobile application for Port Farms, with a map of the maze. When starting, the map tiles are not visible. At the entry point of each section, there is QR-code and by scanning the code a part of the maze map will open.

3D Wayfinder R&D AS custom made solution - corn maze map with partly open map tiles.
Maze mobile map application

It is similar to strategic computer games, where you cannot see the whole map, but just the part you have discovered. By using 3D Wayfinder geolocation API, the actual location is shown by a red dot.

You may ask, why do you need to provide the map in maze or labyrinth at all? One thing is to wonder around the maze and finally get your way out. Another thing is to explore (and in some way we may even say to “conquer”) the maze and discover it. Without needing paper and pen, you just scan the QR codes and open up the map. But it doesn’t mean that you will see the right way through. You still have to try and guess.

3D Wayfinder with similar tiled maps can be used in any other maze, labyrinth or theme park. By scanning the code or following the link, you can add information layers to the map and get the needed info at the right location.

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Response to COVID-19 From 3D Wayfinder

April 30, 2020

We are in an oxymoronic time, where we must practice restraint and responsible social distancing., but also find find ways to continue commerce. 3D Wayfinder recognizes it’s responsibility as a member of the business community, but even more as a part of the wider humankind. Digital signage and wayfinding software have a part to play in finding a balance between caution and business continuity. Our response to COVID-19 is also shaped by this sense of duty.

Wearing face mask is mandatory in 3D Wayfinder R&D AS when meeting clients and business partners on response to COVID-19
Every precaution should be taken to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2

A long-term response to COVID-19

3D Wayfinder is introducing a special program to enable organizations to make an inexpensive investment to keep their clients and staff safe. ALL OUR LICENSES ARE 45% MORE AFFORDABLE. This applies to projects that are initiated in the months of May and June. The aim of this offer is to encourage people to consider wayfinding software, even if they didn’t deem it necessary before.

Get a working application in a month!

Time is of the essence and we aren’t in the business of wasting it. You can get yourself a fully working wayfinding solution in a month! We have a dedicated and passionate team that is focused on delivering a quality product as fast as possible, without sacrificing quality. All we need from you are the plans of the building and instructions in the design of the User Interface.

Mobile applications

An effective response to COVID-19 is based on reducing unnecessary human contact. Here’s how we can help out. Mobile applications is the most direct way to communicate with people. A mobile app is easily downloaded and will guide people safely to their destination. You can place QR codes throughout the building to give people additional information. As a result you can reduce direct contact between clients and staff to urgent situations only. In case of an emergency you can send out a push notification with instructions. The statistical data received from people’s movements also makes it easier to plan your venue to ensure everybody’s safety.

Web application

The best thing about a web-based application, in the context of social distancing, is the ability to pre-plan your movements before leaving home. Your facility’s visitor’s can get exact instructions and not endanger themselves and others by wandering around. A web-based 3D model gives people a life true idea of what the building and hallways look like. Clients can scan QR codes on walls to access relevant pages of your website. We can also integrate existing functions of your website to create dynamic new opportunities.

Kiosk solutions

For obvious reasons touchscreen kiosks can be tricky. Thankfully there already are antibacterial touchscreens. Also, voice activated kiosks are an option. Kiosks are useful for conducting transactions without human contact. You don’t need two people face-to-face to register for an appointment, pay for one or print a prescription. Hospitals and other healthcare installations would greatly benefit from solutions like these.

In times like these it can be hard to know what exactly is the right response to COVID-19. People in positions of leadership are criticized for doing too much, and for doing too little. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. While we hope for the best, we definitely should stay on the side of caution. Consequently, creating options that ensure your clients’ and staff’s safety should be a priority for all employers. This isn’t the first and won’t be the last time that we face a challenge like this.

You can contact us here or get a quote here!

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Using QR-codes in Wayfinding Application

November 10, 2016

The easiest way for the visitor to get the wayfinding map into their mobile device is to add a QR-code to the kiosk application. By scanning the QR-code, the map of the building will open on the visitors mobile phone.

QR codes are getting more and more popular for sharing links for app downloads, promotions, additional information etc. QR-codes provide an easy way to share maps from wayfinding kiosks to mobile devices. Just scan the code and get the map to your device. No need for downloading any app or looking through the menus for your destination.

3D Wayfinder supports dynamic QR-codes for following cases: “You are here” location, path to selected location and location on the map.

Generating QR-code automatically

“You are here” in 3D Wayfinder is a node. That can be configured for each kiosks separately by simply using attribute in wayfinder URL. The QR code will be generated automatically using the same kiosk
parameters. There is no additional work with QR-codes. Even when using 20 or more wayfinding kiosks in a shopping mall, hospital or university campus.

Using QR-codes in wayfinding application

It is also possible to provide the entire path from current location to the selected location on the map. In this case the QR codes redirects to the 3D Wayfinder application with an attribute that shows the path immediately after it finishes loading. The Visitor can have the path visualized in their mobile phone. Without the need to search or select anything.

The third possibility is to show the specific location. Each location in 3D Wayfinder is a node. That can have its own view (including direction and zoom in 3D). By selecting any location on the kiosks, it is possible to show the QR code for this location. So the link behind the QR will open the map with the view to this location. By using positioning it is possible to capture the real location of the visitor and guide the visitor to the location that was scanned from the kiosk application.

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